Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Comment Wall

Welcome to my blog for mythology 3043!

I really like this song and this video.


  1. Hey Mac,

    I love your choice to walk through the levels of hell as Kanye West! I thought it was pretty hilarious...and probably accurate. Was Dante's Inferno one of the stories you read for the class (I guess it would be a shortened version), or did you see an idea like this in someone else's storybook? Or did you just think of it on your own? I'm curious about where you got the idea, because I think it's really interesting!

    Aren't there seven levels of hell, though (at least, in Inferno)? I guess you're only talking about four to match with the four stories for the storybook, but maybe you could mention that there are seven, and you're just going to visit four. (Also, in the first sentence, you're missing the word "of.")

    Again, I think the idea about celebrities and their sins is pretty funny. Especially Donald Trump, considering he's running for president now.

    The links all seem to be working well, too, so that's good. I'm excited to read this one!

  2. Hi Mac! Wow I was blown away by your introduction! It definitely had be hooked, and made me want to read the stories you will post later on. I was so confused when I first got to your introduction page and saw the picture of Kanye, but you tied him in perfectly. You did a great job of explaining what your stories will include, and who to expect to see stories about. You picked a very unique subject to talk about, so I think many people will enjoy reading your stories! I wasn’t sure what to expect when looking at the title, so you may want to pick one that clues your reader’s in on what to expect. You could also do a title that draws readers in, and makes them want to see what your stories are all about! I look forward to checking back in on your project later on in the semester. Good Luck!

  3. Hey Mac, as soon as I saw a picture of Kanye, I knew this would be interesting haha. This was an awesome introduction and I love the way Kanye was tied into everything. I thought the intro was really detailed and gave everybody a good idea of what your story is going to be like. Like the comment above, I also love the idea of celebrities and their sins. I think it calls for an interesting story. Overall, your intro made me look forward to reading your story and I am sure others are excited as well. Anything involving Kanye West will be interesting, we all know that! I also look forward to seeing how you describe and tie in the four sins.. It will be a very intriguing story! Good job

  4. This is such an awesome idea for a storybook! I know it will be interesting because who doesn’t love reading about famous people? It’s a really creative way to be able to create more in depth stories since most people are familiar with your main characters. This way you don’t have to spend a lot of time introducing and describing your characters like you usually would with non-celebrities. Everyone loves or loves to hate Kanye, so most people will be immediately drawn into your storybook. I also really liked how your introduction told us some of the people who were in the various circles of hell. It gave the reader a taste of what was coming without giving too much detail. I’m really excited to come back and read more of your storybook when it’s done! Hopefully Kanye is inspired to have a much smaller ego and spend less time angry-tweeting other celebrities!

  5. I really think adding some color to an image to your background might help. People are interested in things that catch their eye.

    I think that the four levels of hell in a great topic. It sets up a flow to your storybook. I think it will be very interesting that you choose all characters of this time. It will also be interesting to see how they correspond with each other. I also think because you chose the people you did it will catch attention.

    My main question is how all of this is going to end? I wonder why you choose the characters you did. Where they just a few of your favorite people? Or do they have a meaning behind them in how they relate to Kanye? I wonder if they will all stay in hell or if anyone will get out?

  6. Oh my gosh! I can’t even articulate how excited I got that this storybook is about Dante’s Inferno and the first image is Kanye West. That’s hilarious! I love it. I’ve never read Dante’s Inferno but Kanye West really fits as a narcissist. I love the idea of a modern take on Dante’s Inferno! I am so excited for your stories. I look forward to “meeting” all the famous people in the various circles of hell. Donald Trump and the Koch brothers! I’m so excited. I didn’t know Megan Fox stole anything though. I know Lindsey Lohan did. I also didn’t know about Snoop Dogg committing murder. I can’t wait for the second circle when Kanye West and Kim Kardashian make an appearance together. This is such a unique story, I love it! I’m so excited to read your stories, I’m going to keep up with your storybook. I just love Kanye West is the guide for the stories.

  7. Mac,
    Kanye West experiencing Dante's Inferno? Again I say...I WOULD HAVE NEVER THOUGHT OF THAT. That is really funny how you have slapped a big picture of Kanye at the top for the reader to question. This a so creative and I like how you chose someone who almost everyone has an opinion about, Mr. West. The four descriptions you have all sound very interesting and I have to catch up with this one to see how the future works are forsure. I really enjoyed all the specific people you have listed in each level also, really creative! All the people yo have mentioned are people who most everyone know so this is especially appealing, great job so far!

  8. Oh my goodness, I could not stop laughing when I read the concept for your storybook! How on earth did you think of Kanye West as Dante's guide?! And it will be so hilarious to see them run into and talk to other famous people in hell. I am especially looking forward to their interactions with Donald Trump. I was wondering how you chose the circles that you are including in your storybook? Were they the ones included in the class reading or just your favorites? I just really love your entire concept and think it will be a blast to read once you have some stories up. Other than some typos/grammar slip ups in your writing it was an absolutely wonderful story and a joy to read. It had me continually wanting to read more. Well done and good luck with the rest of your storybook! I cannot wait to be able to read more!

  9. Hey Mac,

    I just want to start by giving a HUGE round of applause haha. This is great! I saw the picture of Kanye West aka Yeezy and was immediately hooked because of my big interest in Hip Hop and Kanye's music. I would have never thought of doing modernized story of Dante's Inferno and including Kanye West to be Dante's guide through the different levels of Hell. This is beyond creative! I am really looking forward to reading the stories in your storybook. I think we can all agree on being the most excited about Kanye's meeting with Mr. Donald Trump and see how that interaction takes place. I am just wondering how you came up with this idea for the storybook? This concept is the greatest thing I have seen in awhile and I am just waiting on the edge of my seat for the first story to be put up. Good luck with the rest of your storybook, I will be waiting haha.

  10. I really like the simplicity of your blog! i think the simplicity gives everyone a chance to just focus on the reading, whereas all the pictures and background designs and colors can sometimes be a little too much. Your blog is really simple and organized and my blog looks somewhat similar.

  11. Hey Mac! The thing I like most about your blog is how easy it is to find what I'm looking for! Plus, I love the color. Blue is the best!!!

  12. I chose your storybook for my free choice because I’m really looking forward to your stories. I plan on keeping up with your stories because it’s an interesting twist and I love the fact that Kanye West is the leading character for a story about hell. I would recommend putting your Author’s Note at the end of your stories though. I already read your introduction so I know most of the information from the Author’s Note. I also really wanted to read the story immediately. I would also recommend expanding on the individual’s stories. I found the section on Donald Trump amusing. It was just too short though. I would’ve liked more on Donald Trump. Instead of just telling us what the moral of the story was, maybe have Trump tell his story and let us draw the moral of why we cannot be greedy. I enjoyed the story and I expect you will provide more character stories in your later chapters since you had to set up the meeting of Dante and Kanye in this story.

  13. What an interesting song and music video. I can honestly say I've never seen anything like it, and that it was quite entertaining. The foreign language (I think that's what it was) caught me off guard... and then I thought it was interesting that a good portion of the song was just weird repetitive sounds. Its definitely a melody that would get stuck in your head. What language are they speaking? Do you speak that to?

  14. Hello Mac. My name is Eaton Baptiste. I am in the Indian Epics class. Your music video is definitely the most unique song that I have come across on the blogs for this class thus far. Unlike the other videos, I have never seen this music video before and I have never heard this song before either. Nice choice though I like the song.

  15. Hello! This song is very new for me! It is a unique song and video. Not what I was expecting. I like the use of lights and colors in the music video. It is very eye-catching. Thank you for introducing me to new music!

  16. Oh man, what a great song you have chosen! Russian music and their videos can be very entertaining. I have definitely seen this one before and it made me laugh at first, but I also must say the music is quite relaxing and chill; I like the vibes!

  17. Hi Mac! I clicked on your storybook because the title was pretty interesting and I was curious (obviously haha). I was wondering how you would adapt Dante's Inferno into the modern world until I clicked on your storybook link and was greeted with a picture of Kanye. I actually chuckled out loud when I saw it, and was intrigued. I like how you have found real life examples of people, both general and specific, for the different sins. It makes it seem more real, somehow. I liked how Dante described Kanye as "a poet of some sort", which is kind of accurate. I mean, writing music definitely requires rhyme and rhythm and all that stuff that is required in writing a poem, so that was a very creative way to describe him. I also absolutely love it that you involved Trump in this circle, and how he briefly explained how he came into his money and lost it all. That was very creative!

  18. Hi Mac!

    I absolutely loved your first story. I thought that using Kanye as Dante’s guide was absolutely hilarious. Did you have to do any research to figure how out Kanye would respond and which comparisons to use, etc? I’m assuming that the “tough like leather on a Vuitton” was one of his song lyrics. Did you already have this line in mind from listening to his music or did you have to look up different lines that would work?

    I also thought it was really funny that you decided to include Donald Trump, especially for the punishment of greed. I think changing the people that Dante meets to fit popular culture was a really good idea and will help draw the reader in. I know it definitely did me. Do you have a plan for which celebrities to include in the future?

    Lastly, I think the storybook will work really nicely with this story since its already broken up into different sections with the different rings of hell. I think it’ll help the stories naturally organize themselves and be really interesting for the reader to follow! I know that I will definitely be back to read your future stories for the free choice readings! Good start and really great idea!

  19. I saw Kanye and then I saw Donald Trump and I couldn't help but click on your storybook to figure out what in the world all this was going to be about. Nice job on catching the audience's attention! It was really funny that you included all of these famous people because they are hot topics in the news these days. It's very relatable and I really like the light hearted feeling while reading your stories. I have never read Dante's Inferno so this is really interesting to see a glimpse of what it might be about. You also made it really easy to follow. It was also interesting to see the author's note at the beginning instead of at the end because it prepared me for what I was about to read. I love the analogy "tough like the leather on a Vuitton". Overall your writing was really original, funny, and fresh. Really good job!

  20. Bravo! Well done Mac!
    Hello, I am visiting your page today from the sister class of Indian Epics. I was attracted to your story because last semester I took the Mythology and Folklore class and I really liked reading Dante's Inferno. I was intrigued about how you would retell the story. I laughed and smiled.
    Adding Trump to a special level of hell is comic gold right now. Well played! I like the way you used the other characters too. I can tell you put some thought into this and pulled it off rather well.
    I did not see anything that impedes the flow of the story or takes away from the attention of the story. The one thing I would add is more images. Especially one of Trump. Sometimes the image just adds a bit more flavor to the story, like salt to your food.
    Thank you for sharing your great story!

  21. Great job on your storybook Mac! I really like your storybook topic. What an interesting topic to pick. It is really interesting that you have picked subject about Dante's inferno. I like the picture you have picked for the front page. I really gave me want to read your storybook. Also it was going along with the title of the storybook as well. Most importantly, I like how you used interesting characters for your storybook. It just blew my mind that you picked Kayne West as a character to associate with storybook. I have picked Zeus from Greek mythology as a storyteller as well! I did not think about using modern figure as a storyteller but it was definitely! I love how you used other modern characters such as Donald Trump. It was a brilliant idea for sure. Great job! The story was interesting about greed and I really enjoyed your writing. It was so unique and funny!

  22. Hi Mac, I am back! I remembered your storybook being quite interesting to read so I chose yours again as my free choice. Honestly, when I clicked on your new story, I actually scrolled down first to see who was in the second circle before actually reading the story. I genuinely snorted out loud when I saw a picture of Kim Kadarshian (is that even how you spell it?) "The curviest woman I had seen in my life" is a very accurate description of her. I think the same thing too when I see her on internet stuff. I still think it is very creative for you to use real life people in the modern world to depict the different circles of Dante's inferno!

  23. Mac,
    I am back again reading your adaptation to Dante's Inferno and I am pleasantly surprised with not only your creativity you have nicely used, but also the easy flow and detailed descriptions you have! Nice job! I could easily picture Dante meeting Kanye and Donald Trump (LOOOOL). I must say too, nice job incorporating Trump in there and noting his ability to have mass appeal politically solely due to his mass amount of money...I do not understand his ethics or morals but he sure is an entertaining person to watch during this current presidential election. I have never read Dante's Inferno completely but it has always been on my lists of close interests. I am glad someone chose to make at least an adaptation of it so I can have a closer look into it! Cant wait to hear more about it in the future.


  24. Hi Mac! First off, I laughed when I saw that Kayne was involved in your storybook! I love how modern and present day you have mad your storybook! I read Meeting up with Kayne and the First Circle and thought it was absolutely genius!! I love the lines “I blacked out at some point” and “ Yo Kayne here” because it perfectly describes Kayne in those situations! Oh and “tough like the leather on a Vuitton” was awesome too! So true! I love how you still represented the first two sins of the Catholic Church, including Donald Trump in the first ring, greed. It was so funny and so realistic! Also, it was very clever and appropriate to incorporate Donald’s wealth and his political side. I can’t wait to read more about the other sins / rings in weeks to come! Great job, I love reading a story from your storybook this week!

  25. Hey Mac, I have read your storybook at the beginning but hadn't read the story yet but I love it. It is very interesting and its easy to get into and easy to read because of your characters (Kanye, Donald Trump) You have characters who people know about, one of which is right smack dab in the middle of all the drama with the presidential debate with Trump. So, people know who you are talking about and can really visualize the story and what is going on. It is hilarious to think of Trump, Kanye and Dante all interacting together. You do a good job of making the story realistic and funny with your characters but you also stick to your plot and implement Dante's Inferno. I had never read Dante's Inferno before but had heard of it and slowly getting an idea of what the story was like. I will definitely be back to read more, good job!

  26. Hey, I'm from the Indian Epics class, and chose your Storybook this week! This is a really fun Storybook that you've come up with. When I read your introduction I was confused because I'm taking a class about Dante's Inferno, and I was like "That's not how Hell is in the Inferno." But when I looked at your author's note on your first story, it helped explain it to me. I really like what you did with the overall structure of Hell. I don't really like Kanye West, and so I wasn't really sure bout him as the guide, since Virgil is such an intelligent figure, and Kanye is not. But, I do appreciate the comparission since he is a rapper which is akin to a poet. But after I read it I really liked what you did. I also LOVED that you put Donald Trump in Hell. I also think you put him in the correct circle of Hell. Although, arguably there are a few places he could be in haha. Anyways, I loved reading your Story. I'll have to come back for more!

  27. I visited your storybook for the second time to read The Second Circle. I enjoyed it as much as, if not more than, the first! I thought it was really funny how you described Kim Kardashian and Kanye's relationship. You had it nailed all the way down to "While there was no implicit lesson taught to me, and neither Kim nor Weezy gave me advice..." Im sure they didn't and even if they had you probably wouldn't have wanted to take it.

    Your stories always make me laugh, which is rare from the stories that I have read in other storybooks. Some are really interesting, but none are as funny as yours! I was happy that I had the chance to revisit your storybook, and I hope I get the chance to again later!

  28. I love that Kanye is the narrator of your introduction! It makes it so fun and it's interesting that you would use him as the person who introduces readers to hell. It's funny because we all know him as super narcissistic so he's almost the perfect person to narrate the story! It's also incredibly funny that the first person that you encounter in hell is Donald Trump. I like that you gave a little bit of backstory on him and allowed him to tell his life story and kind of why he was there. I also love the little jab about how he tried to enter politics and how the narrator thought it was so interesting that he tried to rely just on his wealth and "charm". It also made me laugh when I read about Kim Kardashian being in the second ring of hell. You used so many comical elements throughout the first part of your storybook and they make it so fun to read! I enjoyed all of the stories and the introduction and I can't wait to read more!

  29. Hello Mac! Your storybook is so interesting to read. The introduction is great. I definitely had be hooked, and made me want to read the stories. As soon as I saw a picture of Kanye, I knew this would be fun. I think the introduction to your storybook was really awesome and it had great details to give the reader a very clear idea of what your story is going to be like. You picked a very interesting subject to talk about in your storybook and that was one reason to make your storybook very enjoyable to read. You are a great writer and you know how to make wonderful stories. I think you did good job of making the story realistic and funny with your characters. i love how you represented the sins of the Catholic Church, including Donald Trump in the first ring. Good luck with the rest of your semester.
