Friday, January 22, 2016

Growth Mindset

Before this video, I had never heard of the growth mindset. I have always valued trying hard and not giving up, I however had never heard of this particular Ted Talk. After watching it, I think this is a great idea! The growth mindset could help so many students not fall behind in school, and could help the ones that area ahead continue to learn at a fast rate. This growth mindset could help so many students reach new levels, levels that they could not reach with traditional teaching methods.

After watching this video, the growth mindset is something I will try to incorporate into my life. The results are astounding! If I can get the same results in my personal life, and with my future kids, I will help myself and others reach levels that would not have been possible otherwise.

Growth Meme from the Growth Mindset Memes Blog


  1. Mac,

    Yes, I do agree that children need to understand and truly grasp that education is so vital. Not only do the children need to be aware, but so do their parents. You can’t choose a random day when theyre in middle school to try to force the importance of learning on the child. It literally starts when the child is born. So yes, great idea to implement that the brain can grow and that there is no limit to what can be learned.

  2. I'm glad you like the idea of the growth mindset as I did! I hadn't heard of it before this class either. Learning about this at the beginning of the semester was the perfect way to start of the semester to keep me inspired to learn, especially in a class like this where we have to be mainly accountable to ourselves!
