Monday, February 8, 2016

Storybook Brainstorming: Possible Styles

I have decided to Dante's Inferno, with a modern twist that Professor Gibbs suggested! I am going to include modern celebrities. I think this is such a fun idea, and one that would allow me to get really creative. I am already thinking of ideas to work with!

I will rewrite this Poets and Philosophers section, because this is a section where Dante uses famous people from his time period. So, this would allow me to change it and add characters of my own.

Paola and Francesca is another section that involves someone famous from his time period. I may rewrite this section completely, or I may do a modern spin on it by making the same story, but about modern people, like Kanye and Kim or something. I think this could be really fun!

Dante's guide rebuffs Malacoda and his friends
Source: Wikipedia

Some different style strategies I am thinking about are below.

Script - I could actually do this, while substituting the different characters for new, modern ones. I could write it like a play that tells the original story, but using my new characters and adding some new dialogue, in addition to some new props. 

Tabloid Gossip and Scandal -  While this one could be more difficult, I do think it has some potential. I could tell the story from a third person perspective, looking at all the characters from the view point of a paparazzi or something. I will have to give this more thought, but this is an idea that I think I could run with. 

Divine Observer - This could be really fun since my story is about the different layers of hell. I could pick a god, and tell the story from that god's point of view. This would allow me to get really creative about how they perceived different things, and would let me include some of the god's personality in addition to the personalities of the new characters that I made up. 

Minor Character as Storyteller - I could do another twist with this by telling the story from the point of view of one of the new characters that I brought into this story. Again, I think this would be a difficult style, but I also think it would be a lot of fun and something that I will consider. 

I am going to include the link to the different styles page, because I am not sold on any particular style yet, and will continue to brainstorm possible ideas.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a super interesting topic. I think you have some great ideas with what styles to work with. I think I like the the divine observer one the best. It would be really interesting to see different Gods' perspectives on the layers of hell. I think it would be really funny if you included some of the modern celebrities, it would definitely make it more relevant for the reader.
